As quickly as I started, I repented.
I had destroyed tons of hearts.
But then, pieces of me were now
embedded within those hearts,
and I too was destroyed
along sides those men.
One’s heart can never know peace
unless it is buried in the heart
of that heart’s creator.
And until I repented,
I was even more restless than
the men which I sought to destroy.
And then my spouse,
the one whom I abandoned,
the one whom I swore to fight,
My savior whom I antagonized angrily,
he held my hands and hugged me.
He hugged me so tight
I became breathless.
He whispered soft words
into my ears;
Reminding me of what our love
used to be like.
Teaching me that love is not
something to be forgotten.
Love is not
something to be appreciated
by small minds,
and exhorting me for giving up
For allowing the world and its ways
confuse me.
He says to survive here,
you have to learn to survive
on your roots alone.
because the next root
might be corrupt,
and it might destroy you.
He says I must learn to stand alone
and do the right things,
regardless of what the world thinks.
He says the more I am ridiculed,
the more He will bless me.
Jesus says heaven is not f
or small minded people
and if a thing as little as a heart break
can transform me into a demon,
what would have become of me
if I was the one who was nailed?
He says God’s laws are there to guide me.
If I had obeyed them in the first place,
I wouldn’t have been as hurt as I was.
oh! my heart was melting,
my heart sang in delight at
the sweet calm voice of my savior.
It squeezed in shame at the horrible mistakes
which I had made.
I screamed in anguish,
bowing my head in shame.
That day, I repented,
and I nearly ran back to the convent.
I should probably have just remained there.
What man would love me
as much as my Jesus does?
There’s no man on earth for me,
none of them are worthy
of the type of love I give.
These were the thoughts
that rang in my head.
But eventually,
I picked up courage and decided to pray.
I resolved to set my standards
and never compromise.
And then I prayed.
I started a 9 days novena.
Telling God to bless me with a man
who will love me for who I am,
rules and all..
A man who would respect me
and treat me like I’m gold
On the second day, God answered.
I met my prince Charming.
And it was so glaring he was the one.
All the signs I asked for, I got.
When I met my sweetheart,
I was depressed.
I had serious low self esteem
and I was tired of life already.
I was also having serious face reactions.
It was one of my darkest moments.
But gradually, he brought me alive.
He cared for me like a hen would
care for her chick.
He made me feel beautiful
and gradually,
my self esteem returned,
my face reactions cleared.
Most times,
when I tell him I feel ugly,
he’ll pick offense and say;
“honey, you’re insulting me”.
He’ll say I’m making him
think he made the wrong choice
because he never goes for ugly girls.
And because I didn’t want him to
start thinking I was ugly,
I had to stop whining.
I had to start believing
that I was pretty.
Plus he never stopped telling me
how beautiful I am.
He reminded me every single day.
Our love was exquisite
The rare kind that only Jesus gives.
And gradually,
I who was lean became chubby.
I who was depressed,
came alive with joy
How I love him.
The sacrifices he made for me
were just too great.
I pinch myself
to be sure it’s not a dream.
So this is how true love
transformed my life.
God used my sweetheart
to make me happy,
and keep me sane.
He doesn’t have so much;
He is not a millionaire;
But from the little he has,
he makes sure that I am alright and happy.
We’ve had fights…
Huge fights…
But because of the past,
The love he has shown me
is so great that
I have no doubts about
whether or not he loves me.
So no matter what,
I’ll always love him❤️

True Love Transformed Me (A sequel to “Life Transformed me”)

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