How foolish of you to expect perfection from this thoroughly imperfect world. How do you expect goodness from a world filled with greedy and power hungry people? You expect happiness from this world filled with sin. In spite of all the injustice in the world, you expect to be loved genuinely and understood without bias?
How naive! You expect loyalty from the very one who is disloyal to her sister. You expect fairness from the one who will give anything to save her head. You expect love from the person who hates himself. Such irony.
It’s a crazy world indeed. The wicked ones stay winning at the expense of the naive ones. The goal is to develop a thick skin and stay wicked. Look around you, the successful countries today have built their wealth on the back of the weak countries. Stay wicked my people. The most feared countries today are the wicked and intolerant ones. You gain nothing from being weak and kind. Unless it’s all a facade.