I have recently confirmed that for me, there’s no surviving outside of God’s love. All that awaits me outside his fold is struggles and sadness. He is my source and without Him I am nothing.
I forgot about a covenant I made with God many years back. “Dear Lord, if ever I find myself outside of your love, make me so uncomfortable until I return to You”.
The world seems to have forgotten about God. They don’t care about His love or about how He sustains the world. All they care about is having their personal needs fulfilled regardless of the consequences. I am not surprised though, because it is easy to forget your source when He has constantly provided your every need without fail. So that you now believe that you have all the answers and resources you need to live.
When you have no covenant with the God I serve it is very easy to forget Him. And when you have made a pact with the world and the devil, it is easy to ignore Him. It is very easy to thrive in this sinful world and on your own terms. You have a choice to live boisterously on your own terms. No strings attached to your jealous creator. Because there’s no meddling in your personal life when you have made your choice on how you want to live. There’s no getting involved when you have not involved Him. So you can thrive as much as you want, live in grand opulence, survive through every means possible using the resources that God Himself provides, and He will still not get involved unless He decides to. After all, He is God and can do whatever He pleases and there’s nothing you can do about it. He can leave you to thrive, or He can decide to bring you down as He pleases and there’s nothing you can do about it. All the natural disasters and the incurable diseases in the world should give you a hint.
I cannot say the same for myself because many years ago, I consecrated myself to God, promising Him that I would never abandon Him and will live my life solely for Him, and in the event that I forgot this promise, I needed Him to remind me. And this has been my life ever since. It is very easy to forget the awesomeness of your God until life happens to you and you have no control over it and nothing can save you except a miracle.
It is very easy to get carried away by the people of this world seemingly living happily, further emphasised by the life of grandeur showcased on social media; however, it is important to recall that we are all on very different journeys and we will be judged differently. Focus on your own convictions and remain true to your own source.
My own source is Jesus. I recently forgot about Him. But He has recently reminded me that I am nothing without Him. And He has shown me the wonderful gifts He promises to grant me in His own time.