Most times you just want to look out for your friends. You want to be there for them… to do what they want… to satisfy them. They want sex, you give them; they tell you to attend their parties and even though you know that’s not what you really want, you decide to go regardless. You are a people pleaser. “You don’t want them to feel bad”; “you don’t want to embarrass them”; “you have to be there for them”. “The fact that they weren’t there for you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also be there for them”. “That’s what friends do”… continue deceiving yourself.

Nobody can take care of you but you. Only you can make yourself happy. If you are so eager to chill with your friend everyday, wonderful!! but if you ain’t, please sit at home and rest. It’s your life, only you can live it.

If you don’t want sex then don’t give it. Whoever loves you should accept and respect that. Whoever doesn’t love and respect you would call you selfish; but it doesn’t matter because only you has the right to be whatever you want. the fact that someone calls you selfish doesn’t mean that you really are selfish.

When we have learnt to to be content with who we are as individuals.. when we have learnt to appreciate and respect our very selves. Only then would we understand that we have every right to do what makes us happy; because in the end, if anything bad comes out of the very decisions we made, we alone bear the full responsibility of our actions. Hence, nobody should prevent us from doing what we really want as long as it isn’t wrong before God.

Our opinions should never be based on or dependent on other people’s opinions or ideas. Do you. Be you. Do what would really make you content and happy. Say no without feeling guilty. Never give in to the silly pressures of people. You know what you really want, it’s not wrong? then stick to it.


Learn to love yourself. No need being a people pleaser

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