It is our duty as believers to seek God’s face. After God calls us and reveals himself to us, it is our duty to keep that flame of love alive.

I recently gave myself up to God in prayer and repentance. And for the next few weeks I started studying the bible, listening to teachers of the word, listening to uplifting music, I fasted from food randomly and happily. All these kept me soaked in the love of God. I yearned for Christ and lived my life with him at the center of my life. Along the line, I reduced all of these things I was doing. I spent more time on social media, reduced time spent on studying the bible, wasn’t in the mood to listen to Christian teachings, didn’t fast as much as I used to. I still spent time in prayer although the difference was clear. I struggled to find the words to pray. I wasn’t in the mood to pray. My mind wandered off a lot while I prayed. And for the first time since I reconnected with Christ, I had the nightmare I used to have previously. I was pained.

I should mention that prior to all of these changes, my spirit was moved to fast for a long period of time in order to empower my spirit. I told myself it was too hard and I couldn’t do it. So I ate whenever I felt like and fasted only for a few hours. I who had become disciplined with food, went back to eating everything I craved, and in large portions. It’s not surprising that I began to lose the strength for prayer that I used to have. My body had its way that much that it started controlling my spirit.

This experience taught me that between the body and the spirit, one must be empowered enough to control the other. the way to give either control, is to give it what it desires while starving the other. So to empower your spirit over your flesh, starve your flesh of the things it survives on, (although not enough to make it sick); starve it of food, sin, and bad habits. Feed your spirit with the word of God, teachings from godly people, prayer, worship. The more you do this, the more God transforms you into the perfect vessel of him.

As soon as I went back to doing these, I noticed a difference in my spirit and prayer. So fan that love into flame. Empower your spirit to be alert and united with the spirit of God. So that your walk on earth may be in line with God’s will. May we not miss our way due to laziness or lackadaisical behavior. Amen.

Missing our way can be, missed blessings, suffering things that we should have had the insight from God to avoid but didn’t hear due to spiritual blindness or deafness. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers so you can not win this battle with your flesh. You need the spirit of God to win these battles. You need to be spiritually alert and be awake. You need to be united with God to win this battle. God will open your eyes to see, he will teach you what to do, he will direct you. Gradually you will think like God, you will act like God. God will transform you into a spitting image of Him. Because you have spent so much time learning in his presence, you will know what to do because his spirit will live inside you, whispering secrets that worldly people can never comprehend. Hold God tight. You need him in your earthy journey.

Keep the Flame of Love Alive
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