In the course of our lives, we get to meet a couple of people who we relate perfectly with; people whom we get so fond of and learn to trust and believe in. People with whom we hustle and bustle through life together; pushing and encouraging each other to do better.
However, along the line, life happens. We either graduate and leave school, or we travel, leaving a rift or some sort of distance in the friendship. At that initial stage usually, its easy to maintain good communication flow. However, at the later stage, when we must have adjusted to our new environment, gotten busy with work, and made new friends; it becomes a bit difficult to still keep that relationship booming. Everyone gets busy and forgets. We forget the good times, forget all that was shared and all that was said,. We forget so many things.
Then pride sets in. The “I don’t want to say hi first” and “I wouldn’t want to sound too lonely,” feeling spoils the whole thing. And then a person that once used to be our coolest and closest buddy becomes “just a friend from college”.
Sometimes, a newly found friend, a really time-consuming job, ill-health, some over-demanding boyfriend or girlfriend etc. can take all our time and make us forget our true friends; other times, it’s just pride. It’s not like we have some really great fantastic life. However, we would rather lie in bed and sulk all day from boredom than have our friends think that our lives aren’t as interesting as theirs. We resort to stalking each other on social media and feeling bad about how far behind we are while our friends are having great lives.
Truth is, no matter how busy we are, no matter how many new friends we’ve got, no matter how demanding our boyfriends are, it should never stop us from keeping in touch. Some friends are just priceless. Letting go of them just because we av a new life is like throwing away old diamonds just because we have new ones. Throw the stones out, yes… but leave the diamonds – (The true friends who believe in you and make life worthwhile).
True friends are the ones who can stand up for us when no one else can, they know us and what we are capable of and they look out for us like our own mother would. Never let go of them. Never let time, distance, stress, old age , boy/girlfriend, pride, wealth etc. steal them away from us because they really are priceless.
Please reach out to your old friends today. Friends and family are what make life interesting.