God is raising up people to spread Christianity and God’s love to the world. In the past, social media was only used to promote lavish lifestyles. However, these days, many Christians are using it to promote God’s love and teaching others about Jesus. These people are also using it to encourage others to take care of their physical and mental well-being, be more organised, and share life hacks for success. The idea is to provide people with positive and useful information for their spiritual and physical growth.
Personally, I tailor my social media accounts to follow impactful individuals that I can learn from; Christians, food blogs, health hacks, news pages, and even comedy. I also make sure to unfollow or limit access to irrelevant pages that could confuse me. The goal is to streamline the content I absorb, focusing only on things that are good for me and limiting exposure to negativity.
Similarly, many Christians are boldly sharing their faith in God online, and gradually, they too will inspire others to become soldiers of Christ through their small ministries on social media. It’s beautiful to see confident christians come online to teach their faith to their followers, inspiring many others to hold onto their faith more steadfastly and possibly teach others to do the same. I believe that with time, lots of non-believers will be converted, and God’s love will prevail.
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