So I know having new year resolutions is a bit cliche.. however, I can’t help but make a list of some of the resolutions I plan to keep this new year.

This year I’ll be a more homely wife. I hate chores (cooking, cleaning etc.) so I tend to shy away from them. Cooking especially. This year, I’ll cook more often. No more junk. I’ll prepare more delicacies at home and clean more often. So help me God.

I’ll embrace my sexuality more this year as well. No more laziness in bed lol.. ama freestyle all dem porn styles. Just make my man happy mehn. More bj, more doggy, more sexy lingerie etc. gosh I’m tired of them granny panties… tired of pretending that sex is boring. I’m ready to be a nasty bitch in bed jeez!

This year I’ll pay closer attention to my looks. Focus on skin care, change my wardrobe more often. Year 2021 is the year to embrace the baby girl lifestyle. Married or not, these men/women have to salivate 😉🤤

This year I’m throwing away any pressure to be perfect. To hell with whoever doesn’t like me. This year is the year of “I said/did that watchu gonna do?” Their papa! To hell with anxiety! No pressure this year oh! I’ll be imperfect with my full chest.

All I have listed above are behavioral/lifestyle changes I plan to deliberately work on in the new year. However I have a major goal this year. My goal is to master the art of leadership. I need this especially in my career. And I’m on the brink of going crazy from thinking that I have a long way to go in this leadership thing. But nah, ama perfect it this year!

Happy new year my people. Try and set your 2021 goals. It’ll be fun to go through them later in the year and laugh at the fact that you made zero progress one year later😩😂😂

Happy New Year Guys
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0 thoughts on “Happy New Year Guys

  • January 2, 2021 at 12:35 am

    I like the way you made fun out of new year resolutions 😁😁.

    • January 2, 2021 at 12:36 am

      Lol I’ve made lots of them which I rarely kept. Let’s hope I’m able to keep these ones lol 😂


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