Dear woke people,
I understand the need to be smart in a world where there’s a struggle to survive. I understand that in this world, the meek are left behind and the violent goes home with all the spoils of war. Here, the greedy and selfish dog gets a full mixture of meat, bone, and even sauce; while the patient dog gets only the bone. I understand the need to hustle and fight for what you think is rightfully yours. After all the bible says clearly that the violent taketh it by force.
But do you understand that there are levels to these things and you unknowingly graduate these levels until you become an irredeemable witch.
I have outlined some levels below;
Level 1
Those supposedly sharp people who easily lie at the slightest convenience;
Who will steal another person’s property and boldly deny it;
Who will go to parties, get served once, eat, clean mouth, go again for round two while denying that they already ate, and sometimes even go for the third round of food while still denying;
Woke people who enjoy talking down on and bullying their peers out of hate, envy, and low self esteem;
Level 2
Those ones who go through diabolic means to bring others down out of envy;
Those who use charms to keep an unwilling man;
Those who make it their mission to destroy happy homes; because they’re desperate for a man;
Those who balance and gossip only negative things about other people;
Those who when they hear badnews about someone rejoice in their hearts because “her shakara too much, make we hear word”;
Level 3
Those who see a person and then rape them to make themselves fulfilled ;
Sadists who see a person happy and then assault and humiliate them just to *put them in their place” and take away their “annoying” happiness;
Those who use their fellow humans for money rituals;
Who diabolically cause accidents and deaths just so they can grow more powerful;
Who supposedly steal the destinies of people just so they can succeed;
Who steal, sell, kill babies;
Who steal the babies of others because they’re childless;
Those who kidnap people and ask for ransom just to extort money from people
The police in power who plants fake evidence in people’s cars, assault them and extort them
Politicians who greedily steal money from the poor masses and use it for their personal needs
Pastors who deceive Christians to attend their churches while the pastors themselves are idol worshippers
Where is your conscience!? Are you not afraid? Take things easy. If you have to cross the line to achieve anything, it probably isn’t yours to begin with. Let it go.
Remember that nothing lasts forever and the earth is round. What you sow now, you will come back to reap later.