Who says science and Faith cannot coexist? Some people believe in the evolution of humans from Homo Erectus, while others argue that God created man and man did not evolve from Homo Erectus. However, I believe that just because God created man, it doesn’t mean that Charles Darwin’s theory of biological evolution by natural selection doesn’t exist. Who says that the man God created did not gradually evolve into the man we have today, regardless of the scientific classification? If you refuse to believe in the evolution of man, how about refusing to enjoy the many benefits of science? Think about your phones, computers, social media, the variety of software, medical advancements, and so much more.
God has given man the wisdom to survive, and it is His wisdom that is at play here. Despite our wisdom, I doubt we have even scratched the surface of the many mysteries of the universe. Can science tell us what happens after death? Can science explain how miracles happen? Maybe one day, science may find all the answers to the universe, but even then, it will only be through the wisdom that God has given us. I believe that God and science can coexist, but I also believe that God is superior to science. Haven’t you heard of the countless sick people who have received miraculous healing by the grace of God? Or the stories of people who were pronounced dead by doctors, only to come back to life miraculously? Although science is real, God is more real than science.
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