I like to think that I am confident and successful.
But sometimes I can’t help this intense feeling of anxiety.
It comes when I least expect it;
When I have resolved to speak and think confidently because I’m in charge;
And then like a thief, it creeps into the back of my mind
And stealthily moves to the front of my brain.

I don’t only want to speak confidently,
I don’t only want to present a confident pose
I want to think confident and bold thoughts
I want to confidently make bold plans and follow through with them
I want to boldly look at my superiors and speak confidently with them

I’m tired of this urgent pounding at the slightest provocation
I’m tired of the silent mind whispers that I am not sufficient
I want to confidently converse with my colleagues without having silly imaginations of their jests
I want to make mistakes without the nudging thought that I’m dumb and everyone has noticed.
I want to throw away every negative thought;
Only positive thoughts all the way.

I am an anxiety warrior. I have to fight every single day.. I am however confident that I will keep winning this war.

Anxiety Warrior
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